One of our new favorite things to do is to visit farmers markets. The city has a wonderful market near the capital. We can barely find parking here and take the risk of parking in a zone that doesn't belong to us- but we find it completely worth it (well I suppose until we get a ticket)!
Caleb and I seem to run to the samples, and then go back and back and back again... for more. If you have seen me in Whole Foods- you know what I am talking about.
There is so much to learn at a farmers market. Like how to devein a shrimp. We learned that and came home with a pound of yummy, fresh shrimp! Who can buy that in Indiana?!
On our way home, we also saw a man painting a corner of a neighborhood. We watched as he depicted the buildings so eloquently. Something I have never seen.

Who would have thought?! A day at the market would be so educational and successful. A Sunday afternoon well spent.
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